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Writer's pictureSharon Shinwell

How To Boost Your Body Confidence: Tips for Positive Body Image

Updated: Aug 30

Lady with a positive body image

The Importance of Body Confidence: A Positive Self-Perception:

Promoting a healthy self-perception of one's own body holds significance for both physical and emotional well-being. This involves having a positive outlook on one's body and feelings of ease and assurance within it. Regrettably, an unfavorable body image has become a prevalent concern, particularly among females, where impractical and detrimental standards of beauty are constantly imposed. In this article, we will delve into the ways of how to boost your body confidence, along with offering suggestions to achieve it.

Embracing our individuality.

Above all, acknowledge the individuality built in in each person's physique it's crucial. Diversity is a valuable asset, evident in the array of body shapes and sizes. The notion of a single "flawless" body form is in the past. Rather than attempting to conform to someone else's perception of attraction or desirability, it is pivotal to embrace and rejoice in one's distinct physique.

Media messages.

It's also important to be mindful of the media and messaging you read. Many media sources promote unhealthy or unrealistic beauty standards, which can lead to negative body image. Instead, look for sources that promote body positivity and diversity, and surround yourself with people who support and celebrate your unique body. More on this later.

Celebrate your unique body.

Positive body image is vital for both physical and mental health. It involves loving and honoring your unique body, engaging in self-care methods, being aware of the media you consume, and moving your focus away from appearance. By developing a positive image of your body, you can feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Think outside the box.

A man thinking outside of the box

Try not to obsess about your appearance and focus on other aspects of your life that bring you pleasure and fulfilment. This could be hobbies, relationships with others, or goals within your career. By focusing on what truly matters to you, you can develop a more positive and confident attitude towards your body.

Learn to like how you look.

Woman loving how she looks

Accepting a favorable perception of your own appearance can be a considerable challenge, especially if you've confronted negative body image struggles previously. Nonetheless, a few approaches can prove beneficial in developing a more constructive and wholesome relationship with how you look:

Pursue self-kindness: Rather than adopting a self-critical and judgmental stance, strive to extend kindness and empathy to yourself. Acknowledge that imperfections and shortcomings are universal, directing your focus towards aspects of your appearance that you appreciate.

Discover role models: Identify individuals in your circles, both personal and those in the public eye, whose body types mirror your own. Seek out those who radiate confidence and self-acceptance. Watching individuals who are at ease and content with their physicality can serve as inspiration and enhance your positivity towards your appearance.

Prioritize self-nurture: Tending to your physical well-being can promote confidence and a constructive outlook on your appearance. Activities such as exercise, healthful nourishment, and practices that enhance mental wellness contribute to this.

Consider your values: Reflect on the principles that hold significance in your life. Is your appearance the primary focus, or do other values like kindness, empathy, or intellect carry more weight? Redirecting your attention towards these core values can shift your emphasis away from appearance.

Acquire a supportive circle: Surround yourself with people who lift your spirits and honor you, regardless of your physical attributes. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can boost your self-esteem and self-regard.

Get Help: Should you struggle with adverse body image feelings, reaching out for support from friends, family, or a mental health expert can be beneficial. Dialogue and support can pave the way to nurturing a more constructive relationship with your appearance.

Define boundaries: It is essential to set clear limits with individuals who express criticism or judgment concerning your appearance. Standing up for yourself and asserting that their remarks are unwarranted is perfectly acceptable. Bear in mind, the journey toward cultivating a constructive body image can be gradual. By embracing self-kindness, discovering role models, tending to self-care, reflecting on your core values, and seeking support, you can progress toward a more affirmative and wholesome partnership with your appearance.

Social Media....The Big One

Different social media platforms

These days, social media has seamlessly integrated itself, subtly influencing our routines. Unsurprisingly, its impact on body image has grown considerably apparent. The continuous influx of images and narratives surrounding appearance and beauty can incite a sense of need to conform.

This section will look at the consequences of social media on body image, accompanied by strategies for developing a balanced connection with it.

Social media displays its impact is in cultivating unrealistic and detrimental beauty ideals. Countless platforms feature images of seemingly flawless physiques, often airbrushed to appear flawless. The frequent exposure to these offerings can cause feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt, particularly when our own bodies don't mirror the idealized standards we are seeing.

Along with the cultivation of unhealthy standards, social media can inadvertently breed a culture of comparison. It's undeniably easy to succumb to the habit of measuring our own bodies against those showcased online, which often leads to sentiments of insufficiency or diminished self-regard. It's essential to retain an awareness that the images shared on social media are frequently heavily edited and diverge significantly from reality. Comparing ourselves to these fabricated portrayals is neither helpful or constructive.

Getting social media likes.

So, what can be done to maintain a healthy relationship with social media and body image?

Choose Positive Online Content: Make a point to follow accounts that promote body positivity and celebrate differences. Unfollow or mute those that share unrealistic beauty standards. Keep in mind that social media is only a part of life – there are other things that bring happiness. Don't spend too much time endlessly scrolling through posts.

Share with Trusted People: Talk about your feelings with friends and family you trust. Seek guidance from those who really understand and care about you. Having supportive individuals around can counteract the negative effects of social media on how you see your body.

In summary, social media can strongly influence your body image. It can display unhealthy and unrealistic standards and encourage comparing yourself to others. To keep a healthy relationship with social media, be cautious about what you see, focus on other enjoyable aspects of life, and build a support network. Following these steps can help safeguard your body image and self-esteem.

Dangers of Dieting and Body image.

Weighing scales with dieting and body image in mind

Dieting might seem like the answer but it can actually exacerbate the problem and even affect how you feel about how you look. Here's things you need to be aware of:

  1. Missing Out on what you need: When you diet, you might deprive your body of what it needs. This can make you feel tired, weak, and even cloud your thinking.

  2. Changing Eating Habits: Dieting can make your eating habits change, like eating a lot at once, making yourself throw up, or constantly thinking about food. These habits aren't good for your body or mind, and they can lead to serious serious eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia.

  3. Yo Yo Dieting: People who try diets lose weight for a little while, but then pile it back on when they stop. This up-and-down weight, known as yo-yo dieting, is no good for your body or your mind.

  4. Feeling Depressed about your looks: Dieting can make you constantly think about what you look like and this can make you feel sad about your body and even about yourself and your confidence can plummet.

To sum it up, dieting can create problems for your body, mind, and how you perceive yourself. So rather that going for strict diets, it's better to focus on eating in a good way and taking care

of yourself to feel good all around.

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a mental health issue distinguished by a strong obsession on a perceived flaw in how one looks.

People dealing with BDD might spend substantial time looking at themselves in mirrors, making comparisons with others, or forever seeking reassurance about their appearance.

They could also attempt to hide their imagined flaw – like wearing lots of makeup or hats – and they might even avoid social situations where people might notice how they look.

BDD can bring about significant worry and disrupt daily life. It might lead to withdrawing from social circles, sinking into depression, or even considering suicide. If you suspect you're struggling with BDD, it's vital to reach out to a mental health professional. They can offer insights into the condition and help you develop ways to deal with it.

Using self hypnosis for a positive body image.

If you are a regular visitor to this website, you will be aware of Self-Hypnosis because it's what we promote. If you are here for the first time, here is a simple explanation. Self-hypnosis is a technique that uses visualization and relaxation techniques to enter a state of deep relaxation, often with the goal of making changes to thoughts, behaviors, or habits.

Some people may use Self-Hypnosis as a tool to improve body image, but it's important to note that Self-Hypnosis is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health treatment that you might need but it can be used in tandem. If you are struggling with body image issues, try to speak with a qualified healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

However, Self-Hypnosis can be a helpful tool for relaxation and visualization, and it may be used as part of a broader approach to improving body image. Take a look at our downloadable session for Positive Body Image HERE

In Conclusion

Sharon Shinwell UK qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist

I am Sharon Shinwell a UK qualified clinical hypnotherapist. I recently retired from my face-to-face hypnotherapy practice. However, I am able to continue to help individuals through my range of downloadable self-hypnosis sessions that address a variety of issues. With my extensive knowledge and experience in the field of hypnotherapy, I am able to provide effective solutions for those seeking to improve their mental and emotional well-being.

You can see my full range of downloadable sessions HERE

"This article represents the personal views and opinions of the author and should not be taken as representative of the official policy or position of any organization, professional, expert, or individual."


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