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Writer's pictureAlan Shinwell

Lost in Familiar Places: The Challenges of Developmental Topographical Disorientation

Updated: May 14

Two separate paths.

Directional Disorientation, also known as Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD), is a neurological condition characterized by an inability to orient oneself in familiar surroundings or to navigate from one point to another without getting lost, despite having intact spatial cognition and intelligence in other areas. Individuals with DTD often struggle with recognizing landmarks, following directions, and creating mental maps of their environment. The worrying thing is that this complaint is not often recognised by the medical profession.

In writing this article, I am not offering any advice because I am not qualified to do so. The reason I am writing this will soon become clear.

To begin this article, I though it would be informative to offer 3 scenarios.

Scenario 1.

Person walking home

Imagine you're a 14-year-old teenager who has recently moved to a new house just three miles up the road from your previous one. Despite the proximity, the change in surroundings has left you feeling disoriented, especially when it comes to navigating your way home from school.

You are still at the same school However, for several weeks now, you've found yourself getting lost on the familiar route back home.

Each day after school, you set out with the intention of retracing the path you've taken countless times before. Yet, somehow, the streets seem to blur together, landmarks become indistinguishable, and the once-familiar route feels like a labyrinth you can't escape.

As you walk, you become anxious, knowing that despite your best efforts, you might once again find yourself lost and alone in this unfamiliar terrain. Each wrong turn only serves to deepen your frustration and erode your confidence in your ability to find your way.

Despite the support of your parents and the reassurance that the house is just a few miles away, the journey home has become a source of stress and uncertainty, casting a shadow over what should be a routine part of your day.

Scenario 2:

Man in a car studying a map

Meet Alan, he works as a sales rep in the north of England. He loves his job, but there's something that makes it tricky: he has a hard time finding his way around, even in places he's been to many times before. His job is to visit the same customers every month, but getting there takes him way longer than it should.

Alans’ area isn't huge, but for him, it's like a maze. He tries using maps, but they just confuse him even more. Every day, he sets off hoping to get to his customers without any trouble, but he always ends up lost. It's frustrating and stressful.

Even though Alan struggles with finding his way, he doesn't give up. He keeps trying his best, even when it feels like the maps are playing tricks on him. Despite the challenges, Alan stays positive and determined to succeed in his job, no matter what.

Scenario 3:

A couple in a car

Meet a 70-year-old man who enjoys taking trips with his wife and he usually drives. But sometimes he takes a wrong turn, which can be frustrating for his wife. One day, as they're heading home along a familiar route they've taken many times before,he accidentally gets onto the motorway and takes the wrong exit and has to double back to get home His wife becomes frustrated and worried and insists he see the doctor for a memory test.

Now, If you haven't already guessed it, the person in the above 3 situations is in fact, me.

This is something I have struggled with all my life and only recently did I discover that DTD is actually "a thing" The purpose of me writing this article is to make people aware of what can often be an extremely debilitating and sometimes embarrasing condition. As I have previously stated, I am not an expert and I am not offering any advice.

As someone who navigates the world with first-hand experience of Directional Disorientation, I understand the unique challenges and frustrations that come with it.

I have gathered some information that may be useful for those who may relate to this. Whether you're personally affected by DTD or suspect that you may be, this short article aims to offer clarity, understanding, and practical strategies for finding your way forward.

Here are some situations that may suggest someone has Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD):

Consistently Getting Lost: If someone frequently gets lost even in familiar surroundings, such as their own neighbourhood, place of work or local area, despite having lived or worked there for a long time

Difficulty Following Directions: Struggling to follow directions either verbal or written, even when they seem straightforward or familiar.

Inability to Create Mental Maps: Difficulty forming mental maps of an environment or accurately recalling the spatial layout of places they've been to before.

Getting Disoriented in Familiar Places: Feeling disoriented or confused in places they've visited numerous times, such as supermarkets, shopping malls, or parks.

Taking Wrong Turns Frequently: Making incorrect turns while driving or walking along familiar routes, leading to delays or frustration.

Difficulty Recognizing Landmarks: Having trouble recognizing landmarks or distinguishing between similar-looking locations, even those they've seen many times before.

Feeling Anxious or Stressed in Unfamiliar Environments: Experiencing heightened anxiety or stress when navigating new or unfamiliar environments, such as when traveling to a different city or country.

Avoiding Certain Activities or Places: Avoiding activities or places that require navigation, such as driving to unfamiliar locations or attending events in new venues, due to fear of getting lost.

Experiencing Challenges with Spatial Awareness: Struggling with tasks that require spatial awareness, such as parking a car, following a map, or understanding directions based on cardinal directions (e.g., north, south, east, west).

Receiving Feedback from Others: Receiving feedback from friends, family, or coworkers about their navigational difficulties, such as being teased for always getting lost or being asked why they took a longer route than necessary.


These situations, when experienced consistently and persistently, may indicate the presence of Developmental Topographical Disorientation.

I again stress that I am not an expert on this but having struggled with DDT myself, I have made a conscious effort to find out more about it.

A few coping strategies:

Sat nav on a dashboard

For those dealing with DTD, there are ways to make navigating easier. One helpful approach is to use technology like GPS apps or devices to get step-by-step directions. Another idea is to create your own maps or take photos of landmarks to help you remember where you're going. It's also a good idea to stick to routes you know well and practice traveling them regularly to build confidence.

When you're in unfamiliar places, pay attention to landmarks or ask for verbal directions from others. It can also be helpful to travel with someone who can support you and provide guidance. Planning your routes ahead of time and allowing extra time for any wrong turns or delays can reduce stress.

If you're finding it hard to navigate, don't be afraid to seek help from a healthcare professional. They can offer personalized strategies and support. Connecting with others who have similar experiences through support groups or online forums can also be comforting and provide useful tips.

Exploring assistive technologies and learning relaxation techniques to manage any stress or anxiety related to navigation can also be beneficial. By trying out these different approaches and finding what works best for you, you can improve your ability to get around and feel more confident in your travels.

In conclusion and this is probably the most important section of this piece:

2 friends chatting

It's natural to feel frustrated or even ashamed when faced with difficulties in navigating places that should be familiar. However, hiding your struggles or pretending everything is okay only increases feelings of isolation and misunderstanding. Instead, consider feeling pride in your condition as a part of what makes you uniquely you.

By owning your experiences with DTD, you open the door to genuine connections and meaningful conversations with others. You may be surprised to find that many people are more than willing to offer help, support, and understanding once they understand what you're going through. Rather than feeling embarrassed or ashamed, recognize that asking for assistance is a sign of strength, not weakness.

When you openly acknowledge your challenges with DTD, you pave the way for greater acceptance and inclusion in your social circles, workplace, and community. By forming an environment of open communication and mutual understanding, you create space for empathy, compassion, and genuine human connection.

It's important to remember that you are not alone in your journey with DTD. There are countless others who share similar experiences and understand the unique struggles you face. Seeking out support groups, online communities, or local meetups can provide a sense of belonging and validation, as well as valuable insights and coping strategies from those who have walked a similar path.

As you navigate life with DTD, remember to be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Celebrate your strengths, accomplishments, and resilience in the face of adversity. Each step you take towards embracing your uniqueness and seeking support is a testament to your courage and inner strength.

In conclusion, embracing your uniqueness and being open about your experiences with DTD can lead to greater understanding, support, and empowerment. By acknowledging your challenges and seeking assistance when needed, you create opportunities for genuine connections and meaningful relationships with others. Remember, you are not alone, and there is strength in embracing your true self.

I would like to take this opportunity to share a Facebook support group that I found invaluable when I first discovered that I may have DTD


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