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Sounds of Nature, Stress Reduction CD, Hypnotic Download, exercise motivation hypnosis, hypnotherapy for anger management,

Nature Soundscapes: Bring the outside inside: This unique collection of nature’s sound effects has been specially selected by Self Hypnosis UK to be used for Deep Relaxation, Therapy, Background White-Noise or just for a good night’s sleep. This collection is ideal for Tinnitus sufferers.

Special thanks to Yellowstone National Park USA, for the wonderful sound of the babbling stream - we loved recording it!

Nature Soundscapes Shoreline Waves, Ocean Waves, Streams Rivers Digital Download

  • Track 1: 21 Minutes – Gentle waves lapping the beach 
    This gentle, relaxing close-up recording features the sound of gentle waves as they lap the beach and subside. Just sit back and imagine sitting with your feet in the surf.

    Track 2: 21 minutes – Rushing River.
    This recording takes your mind on a fast journey of adventure, as the water rushes down the river in a fast torrent.

    Track 3: 21  Minutes – Ocean Waves coming in to shore.
    This mesmerising recording of magnificent waves out to sea, then coming ashore will delight all sea and ocean lovers.  Periodically the very faint sound of birds can be heard in the background.

    Track 4: 19 minutes – Running Stream, recorded at Yellowstone National Park, Canyon Falls.
    This recording is close up and personal with the water as it runs downstream, relaxing and absorbing.

    These tracks contain only the raw natural sounds; no insects, music, urban sounds or speech.

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